
“We’re exceptionally proud of the best in show nod we received for “What Do You Love” … The w3 truly honors web creativity in all its forms.”
Michael Lebowitz – Founder & CEO, Big Spaceship

“Being recognized by the w3 Awards was a terrific marketplace acknowledgment of the exciting app development work Sony Music is doing.”
Sony Music Entertainment

“w3 Gold & Silver is shining from the walls of Funny Garbage and we couldn’t be more proud!”
Kristin Ellington – Chief Operating Officer, Funny Garbage

“It’s not easy to break through the online clutter, winning a w3 Award definitely helped broaden the awareness and influence of our campaign.”
Robin Kadfalk – Creative Manager, Digitaria

“It’s great to have our work recognized by our peers, and even better to have that work win awards for which our peers were also competing.”
Phillip Krick – The Duke of Harmony, Neo Pangea

“Winning a w3 Award is a great accomplishment. So many innovative agencies and creative ideas were entered this year and to take home a win was a humbling experience. We are continually impressed by growing pool of talent and technical excellence that surfaces in our industry, and are flattered that our work was recognized with a w3.”
Brian Lovell – CEO, RED Interactive Agency

“Showing off award-winning work to prospective clients and peers extends the life of our work and lends our creative a little extra weight.”
Robi Polgar – nFusion

Winning a w3 award was a great boost of energy and a sense of fulfillment for the entire team as well as our partners! We are deeply grateful for all our awards however winning the w3 has put our company’s name among the best of the industry.”
Bora Aytun – President/CEO, MAVI Interactive

“It’s an honor to receive recognition for the work we are so proud to produce.”
Lou Gara – Squeaky Wheel Media Inc.

“Winning a w3 is a great recognition that we share with our clients to demonstrate the level and quality of our work.”
Chris Johnson – President/CEO, Terralever